Self care for the New Year

SSelf-care is not a new concept, though it has become more popular in recent years. More people talk about self-care and how important it is for the general mental health. Though, implementing self-care practices into your routine is easier said than done. People do not give self-care much importance, they give their loved ones their time, energy and love but forget to do that for themselves. It is important that everyone makes their well-being a priority and avoid dismissing their feelings and problems. However, practising self-care is not an act of learning how to be more selfish; but rather is an act of learning how to improve your mood and mental state. I know most people are already thinking about ways to improve themselves and their well-being. That is the reason most people make new year resolutions, though the majority end up not practising any of them. For all of you who do not know where to start, below are some helpful self-care practices to try this new year.

Start a new hobby

This might be something that you hear quite often; but taking time to do something you love and enjoy automatically improves your mood and health. Hobbies can bring joy to your life and help you release the negative energy that is accumulated from the stressful everyday life. Most people find themselves lost in their work or other responsibilities that they forget to take time to relax and explore their passions and interests. Probably you have found yourself saying that they want to learn a new language or acquire a new skill, but the time just never seem to be right. You find yourself waiting for a hypothetical time to come, though that time never comes. Instead, what you can do is to start that hobby now and make time for it in your schedule.

Have a positive attitude

Another important practice for self-care is having a positive attitude and thinking. I know is one of the things that is easier said than done but changing your way of thinking can make your mental health better. A way to achieve positive thinking is by keeping a gratitude log. A gratitude log will help you keep away the negative energy by reminding you all the things that you need to be grateful for. One more effective way to keep the negative thinking away is to keep an affirmation log. The affirmation log is an excellent tool for you to write down all your goals and things you want to achieve. Proclaim your ambitions and mantras and ensure you remind of the everyday and soon enough you will start believing in them.

Make your health a priority

Self-care is not only about doing things that we enjoy doing, but also doing things that are beneficial for your well-being. People have the tendency to neglect their physical and mental health and especially during the stressful periods of time. However, you need to remember that your well-being is the most important thing, and you need to take care of yourself every day, not only when you get sick. Start being more proactive and make that your daily routine.

Have a morning routine

Starting your day with nicely is a very important part of your self-care. Even if you are not a morning person, remember that setting up a morning routine is a beneficial practice in your self-care journey. Mornings set your attitude and intensions for the rest of the day, so it is important to start your day in a positive way. A positive activity to do in the morning is meditation. Meditation will help you relieve all the stress, anxiety, and conflicts that you might be carrying from the previous day. Starting your day by meditating will provide you with the opportunity to check in with yourself and release all the negative energy.

Treat yourself

The last self-care practice might be the easiest as well as the most enjoyable one. Treating yourself does not have to be monetary, you can buy yourself the things you have been wanting for a while now. Though always in moderation, as spending all your money in materialistic things is the opposite of self-care. However, treating yourself can also include reading the books you already have or sit down and watch your favourite show. There is no right or wrong way to treat yourself, you can do whatever makes you feel happier and improves your well-being.

Having good self-care practices are beneficial for the physical and mental well-being. So, as this year has just begun, aim to prioritise your physical and mental health and treat yourself a bit better!
