Grounding Techniques

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Come back to your senses

Using your senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste is a quick and powerful way of bringing your attention back to the moment at hand.

  • 5-4-3-2-1 technique: name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.
  • Water: splash your face with cold water, run water over your hands, or have a bath or shower.
  • Smells: smell a strong smell (e.g., chewing gum, essential oils).
  • Grounding object: carry an object with pleasing sensory properties (e.g., a smooth pebble, a beaded bracelet).

Remind yourself that you are safe

Unwanted memories from the past can make you feel unsafe. Remind yourself that you are safe now.
  • Proof: carry something that proves you survived (e.g. a photo of something good that has happened since your trauma).
  • Letter: write a letter reminding yourself of why you are safe now and carry it with you.
  • Coping statements: “I survived”, “This too shall pass”, “This is just a memory”, “I am safe now”.
  • Then vs. now: focus on what’s different now compared to the time of your trauma.

Offer yourself compassion

You’re already feeling bad, so there is no point in making things worse by criticising yourself. Try offering yourself kindness instead.

  • Be understanding: “It’s no wonder you’re feeling frightened because you have just had unwanted memories of the past. You are safe now.”
  • Be kind: what would you say and how you would act towards someone else who was suffering like this?