Integration Workshops
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- Integration Workshops
We offer various tools and resources to support your well-being
The purpose of integration workshops is to help all our clients take that step further in their life and help regain full strength in all aspects. When you have just gone through a life changing experience and something which is very traumatic to you, it really does take full strength and courage to be able to gain that inner strength again to get yourself back up and on your feet.
With our integration workshops, we aim to provide the means which can support you and benefit you to feel that you have control over your life and more importantly yourself. This is done through working on your skills and being given the opportunities to rebuild yourself again and through that rebuild your self-esteem and resilience.

Educational Workshops
Applications to help you get into education. Classes and courses to get involved to better existing skills and work on gaining more qualifications and skills. We can also assist with seeking funding for courses or qualifications if needed. Exploring routes and paths that you may feel would be more suitable for you and help you in action planning the steps you could take.
Employability Workshops
Looking to get back up on your feet again and take control over your life independently can be very hard work and needs dedication. We are here to assess you with your CV, cover letters and job applications. We are also able to help you gain experience, either through placements or volunteering programmes so that you can get one foot in the door towards taking the right steps that you need.

Life Skills & Coaching
This approach is focused on working on the self, relationships, values, core identity, core needs, career, roles, tasks and skills. The purpose of coaching is all about self-empowerment through self-awareness, self-managed and increasing self-efficacy. This is achieved through having open and honest conversations which is slightly different to applying a therapeutic approach. During coaching sessions, you are discussing and actively working together to explore and reach an end goal. The person of coaching is to make change through action, increase self-awareness and make mainly focused on closing the gap between potential and how things are currently.
Community Involvement
When you’ve gone through a rough patch and you’ve had to pick yourself up again you can feel like you’re alone. Sometimes getting involved with the community workshops and programmes around your area is going to help in aiding you and empowering you to get more involved in activities and also keep you active whilst doing something that you enjoy. Getting involved in community programmes allows you to meet with new people, build social circles and could also benefit you with networking.

Positive Parenting
Babies and mothers group is a parenting service that is offered through an online course. It will help to give mothers cutting-edge tools, strategies and techniques that can be used to improve parenting style and help mothers do their best. We aim to encourage positive parenting through building a strong bond between the parent and child by educating parents on the importance of communicating effectively with their child, understandings their child’s needs whilst taking their emotions into account.
English Lessons
As part of the education side of the services provided, English lessons are available for all people whom wish to join and be a part of a class and a learning environment. It is a great service to help improve English speaking and writing, helping individuals feel more confident in the English language. For many it will provide the ability to communicate more confidently in a new language, whilst improving comprehension skills as well as grammar and spelling.

Physical Fitness and Wellbeing
Sports is a more practical, hands on option for individuals who prefer the physical side of things. In general sports and exercise have shown to be an effective method to reduce stress and provides many mental benefits. Having the combination of exercise alongside fun, it is a great activity which will also provide group support and sense of belonging.
Advocacy & Advise
Advocacy is offered as a method of helping one to express any feelings or concerns they may have with the guarantee that your voice will be heard and taken seriously. Through this program an individual will be able to explore their rights and options with the correct legitimate advice. This option is helpful for anyone who may struggle to correctly express their feelings and who needs that extra help to make the right informed decisions for whatever concern they have.

Organisational Training
Secondary Trauma and well- being training, for advocates and case workers.
1. Reducing risk and implementing positive coping strategies when working with trauma survivors.
‘Be mindful that, it takes a team of professionals working together in order to support this client group. You do not have to do it alone’. (U Matter)
2. Adolescents and the importance of understanding culture and traditional values in creating successful connections within new host communities. Fostering positive and empowering outcomes.
‘The art of helping young persons is understanding their understanding. Finding out where they are at, then, meet them there. Acknowledge them, be patient, be humble, empower by serving, show them that they Matter’. (U Matter)
Workshops are typically 45-60 minutes each and can be held in-house or online.
ESD (Empowerment Self-Defence)
Empowerment self-defence is a violence prevention education tool which aims to reduce the incidence of abuse by integrating a program that teaches a variety of skills to be able to recognise and prevent abuse.
The aim of the tool is to help you to recognise abuse, coercion and boundary violations, it also helps you to communicate assertively and advocate for yourself when under stress as well as to help you physically protect yourself from violence committed by anyone.