SSomeone called me And I answered yes hello The question was, are you Angel’s mom And I said yes I’m Angel’s mom Again she asked have you been trafficked? My heart freezes And I said again yes She asked again when did you came here I said January **** OK, she said, home office is going to ask you again And I said I know that I have been asked million times for that . I asked her from where she is calling me And she said I’m health visitor I was blocked and I couldn’t ask for her name because she didn’t introduce her self I know I’m young mummy I’m growing up my baby girl she loves me she’s angel is innocent and she doesn’t know nothing how she came on this life I’m human I’m not criminal It’s not the first time that I feel prejudice Discriminated If she is health visitor than she is a professional And if she knows about my dark past then she should think as a health visitor that this person have suffered a lot This person is depressed and sad. Why then she as a health visitor didn’t find another better way to asked me those questions if she needed to Or to find a better way to speak to me first as a women or as a mother. But not she asked me on wrong direction After this call I felt so low At night I couldn’t sleep Angel felt that and she didn’t slept well also. I feel myself that even if I want to forget my past, a phone call Is always to remind me I’m writing because I have to do that for my child I don’t want that my child tomorrow to feel same as her mom Please professional people don’t be racist Don’t discriminate Don’t prejudice And I asked for help but to have your help to have your hand do I have first to be prejudiced for what I am or for my past Can someone come and sit on my position Thanks if someone sits and understands my position Angel”s mom