PPhobia is a form of an anxiety disorder, people with phobia experience anxiety when they are faced with a situation or an object that they are afraid of. For some people this anxiety can be triggered even when they think or talk about the situation or object. Being afraid of a certain situation or object does not necessarily classify as a phobia. Most people have fears and that is normal, there are certain characteristics that need to be met. Fear becomes a phobia when it lasts more than six months, is out of proportion to the danger and has a significant impact on the person’s daily life. Phobias are categorised into two main categories specific and complex phobias. Specific phobias are fears of a specific situation or object and are usually developed during childhood or adolescence. Complex phobias have significantly more negative effects on someone’s life and are usually developed during adulthood. Most common complex phobias are agoraphobia and social phobia.
Living with a phobia is not easy, however avoiding situation or objects you are afraid of can only make your phobia worse. It is not easy to come face to face with your fears, the anxiety that can be caused is overwhelming. Though, there are always things you can try to address your phobia in order to reduce its negative effects on your daily life. Below we have listed some things you can try that might help you face your fears.
Talk to someone you trust
Try talking about your phobia to a friend or someone you feel comfortable with. Sharing your feelings can help you give a clear outline of your thoughts.
Try relaxation and breathing techniques to manage your anxiety and panic
I know it can be challenging to control your anxiety and panic that is triggered by your phobia. However, relaxation and breathing techniques have been proven to help people ease the levels of anxiety and panic that people experience.
Join a support group
You can try joining a peer support or online group where you can share your feelings and experiences with people facing similar problems with you. Not only can it be comforting but also you can learn new coping strategies towards your phobias.
Try self-help resources
If joining support groups or going to counselling is not the right thing for you, there are numerous self-help resources that can help you with your phobias. There are a lot of books and written resources that can be found in bookstores or libraries, or you can also use online programmes and resources.
Living with a phobia can be challenging for you and your loved ones, phobias can significantly impact someone’s daily life and the anxiety and panic that it causes can be overwhelming. However, there are various ways that can help you face your fears and improve your quality of life. Additionally, there are a lot of services and people that are willing to support through your journey!