MMindfulness is a technique that helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, is a way of paying attention to the present moment. Mindfulness uses different techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. You can practice mindfulness to manage your wellbeing and mental health. The main purpose of mindfulness is to make you become more self-aware, less stressed, able to control your thoughts and feelings and cope with negative thoughts. Even though research on mindfulness is still growing, findings suggest that mindfulness has significantly improved the mental and physical wellbeing of those who practise it. Studies have found that mindfulness has helped reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and addictive behaviours such as alcohol and drug addiction. As well as physical problems like hypertension and chronic pain. Mindfulness is a great practice if you want to improve your overall mental and physical wellbeing.
Mindfulness can be learned and practised by everyone regardless of their age and gender and since there are various exercises that you can do, you can choose whatever makes you feel better and are more comfortable with. Below we have listed some exercises that are easy to do and do not require any equipment.
Mindful eating
Mindful eating involves giving your full attention to your food, focusing on the taste, texture, sight of what you are eating. This will help you appreciate and enjoy the experience even more.
Mindful walking
Sadly, anxiety can make someone Mindful walking is easy to practise throughout the day, start by walking slowly first, become aware of the sensation on your legs and feet, the breeze against your skin and the smells around you.resolve in unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcohol, drugs, or shopping as they are quick fixes to anxiety symptoms. Though, these coping mechanisms can only harm you further, so healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, going for walks and listening to music can be more advantageous and have long-lasting benefits on your wellbeing.
Body scan
Body scans involves bringing awareness to your body and your body’s sensations. You can start by shifting your attention to different parts of your body. You can start from your feet and slowly bring your awareness upwards to other body parts. While doing that try to focus on the sensations you are feeling, such as tension, warmth or relaxation.
Mindful colouring and drawing
This practise involves paying attention to the colours and the pen or pencil against the paper rather than focusing on drawing or colouring something specific.
Mindful listening
Mindful listening is about paying attention to your environment and the sound around it. It easy to practise, just take a moment to listen to the sounds around you and absorb the experience and how it resonates with you.
Mindful meditation
This exercise includes sitting down in a quiet environment and focusing on your breathing, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
Mindfulness is a useful tool to include in your daily routine, it can help you improve your quality of life and make your stressful routine less overwhelming. Mindfulness exercises are easy to learn and practise and they do not take much of your time.
The above are only few examples of mindfulness exercises but there are many more things you can do mindfully. You can choose whatever works for you!
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Reading Well