Common misconceptions about mental health

TThere has been an increasing research and attention on mental health over the last decades. More and more people talk about the importance of mental health and what people can do to improve their mental wellbeing. However, despite all the mental health awareness, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health conditions. Most of it comes from people that have old fashioned thinking and antiquated assumptions on mental health. For this reason, it is important to educate people about mental health and make them aware of what the concept of mental health means. In this blog we are presenting some common misconceptions that people have about mental health.

Mental health problems are uncommon

Many studies have proven that this belief is far from true. A study by the World Health Organization (WHO), showed that 450 million people are struggling with a mental health condition and that mental health problems are the most prominent cause of physical illnesses.

Panic attacks can be fatal

Experiencing panic attacks can be very stressful for someone, the symptoms are quite intense. People that experience panic attacks are more likely to experience an accident but just experiencing a panic attack cannot be lethal for someone. 

People with mental health conditions cannot work

This is an outdated belief that people used to have about people with mental health issues. However, studies have shown that people with mental health conditions can be as productive as people without any mental health conditions. 

Mental health problems are a sign of weakness

Mental health problems are the same as physical health conditions. Having a mental health problem is not a sign of having a weak character but rather a sign of struggling with an illness.

If you have a strong network support, you do not need a therapist

Even if talking with your friends can improve your mental health, talking with a therapist can be more beneficial. A trained therapist can address issues in a constructive way which is something that friends cannot do.

Mental health problems are permanent

Getting a mental health diagnosis does not mean it will stuck with you permanently. Although, there are many different mental health conditions and each person experience their mental health diagnosis differently. Mental health conditions are treatable, and you can recover for them with the correct treatment and support.

Addiction is a lack of willpower

Addiction disorders are considered chronic diseases by professionals and studies have shown that lack of willpower does not significantly affect an individual’s recovery from their addiction.

Eating disorders only affect females

Studies have shown that eating disorders can affect anyone regardless of their gender, age, or ethnicity. However, some people believe that eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are prevalent in females. 

Eating disorders are a lifestyle choice

Eating disorders are severe mental health conditions that can have significant effects on your mental and physical wellbeing.

All people with a mental condition are violent

Fortunately, as people are more aware of mental health conditions, this misconception is not very common anymore. Studies have shown that even people with severe mental health conditions are mostly nonviolent.

People suffering with mental health issues have had to face stigma for many years due to the invisible nature of the illness. Although there has been a large improvement in the attitude towards mental health, many myths persist. Therefore, it is important to create awareness.

If you’ve suffered from a mental health issue or know someone who is suffering, you can contact the numbers below. Support is always available!


116 123

Anxiety UK

03444 775 774 (helpline) 

07537 416 905 (text)
